Adonai is the plural of Adon, meaning, "Lord, Lord, LORD, master or owner." In this sense, the plural nature of the root for Adonai speaks to the immense majesty of the Godhead and his angelic host. When God appears to Moses in the fire of the burning bush and calls Him to go in His name, Moses anticipates a question from the people of God throughout history: "What is His name?" Moses, along with the people of God are seeking God's revelation of Himself. This profoundly reveals so much about God's covenant relationship with His people. If God's deliverance was to be fully appreciated and assured, He who would be worshiped at this mountain must be known. There is an innate desire to deeply know God, and a personal name was not merely a form of address, but a description of character and personality (Psalm 9:10).
Throughout the Old Testament and displayed in the New Covenant in association with Adonai is the deliverance from oppressors and a charge to go in His name. When Moses asks God what He shall be called, God answers in a way that reassures his committed covenant to His people. Throughout biblical history, His people constantly celebrate God's making His name known to Israel (Psalm 8:1; 113:1-3;145:1). God's self-disclosure of His nature is to be revered and glorified forever. In the New Testament, the words and acts of Jesus are a full revelation of the mind, character, and purposes of God the Father (John 14:9-11).
The Lord came down on Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain and created order in society with ten words, just as he created order in the heavens and the earth with ten words. The Majesty and Holiness of God is shown in cloud, smoke, and fire. The whole mountain trembled, and Moses said to the Lord, "The people cannot come up to Mount Sinai, for you yourself warned us, saying, 'set limits around the mountain and consecrate it;'" that whoever touches the mountain shall be put to death (Exodus 19:23).
The beckoning words, "O come, O come, thou Lord of might" cry out in reverence to the Holy God who fulfills His covenant by sending His one and only son, who set aside His crown to live a perfect life, dying on our behalf and bringing God's people to himself. Christ bridges the gap and makes it possible for us to be in a relationship with the Father! All of this emphasis on majestic rule is mysteriously hidden in the infant Jesus, a most arresting spiritual revelation which invites us to come as we are - broken and weary, to fear the Holy Lord, and worship His name forever.

He is holy! Thanks for your words today pointing straight to Him! Blessings from Uganda!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Glad my words could be encouraging to you; happy you found my blog!