Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Stampede of Resolutions

Our lovely neighborhood

I hope your Christmas was merry + bright <3. The Turbevilles had a full December dressed in travel and Christmas cheer with loved ones. It was hard to say goodbye to our loves, but I am gearing up for 2014 in the nerdiest ways possible. To be honest, I was never a "resolutions" kind of gal, but over the years -- and I blame this on my goal-driven hubby -- I've come to embrace the tradition, acknowledging that short-term and long-term goals can be very good. Actually, I feel that 2014 is "my year" in a lot of ways (who am I?) and I have to check myself to make sure I don't get carried away. It's easy to consume thoughts of the New Year + new beginnings, putting more important and present things on the back burner. In that sense, I need to tread lightly, but honestly, I feel ready to run like my girl Katniss Everdeen... except out of giddiness and not terror? Here's to another failed Hunger Games reference. 

Anyway, I was hesitant to say my resolutions or even write them down, because they are all so monumentally huge. I didn't want to be the goon who resolves to 1,000 dramatic life-change commitments and then goes on a Pinterest-killing spree, but guess what? I felt like the biggest sucker of them all. But once I defined my goals and charted my course to accomplish them, (really, who am I?) I realized that while my goals are big, they are not lofty; my resolutions are measurable and realistic. In fact, I feel like they are necessary somehow, as if I had no choice in the matter because life throws you some winding roads now and then. Rather than dragging my feet to dig up some goals, I am welcoming a stampede of changes that will be here come hell or high water. My motivations are merging with life's obstacles and opportunities, and I can either move pitifully to barely keep afloat or say "cheers!" and ride the waves. 

One of my reluctantly made (short-term) goals is to complete Whole30 -- a "short-term nutritional reset program" designed to help you restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, calm systemic inflammation and put an end to unhealthy cravings, habits, and relationships with food. I love the concept of Whole30, which is based on the Paleo diet, because it evaluates the psychological component and discourages people from obsessing over the number on the scale. My mom, sister and her fiance talked Aaron and me into the program and we successfully talked two or three of our couple friends into it to add to our awesome support system. Now we can all geek out together and share recipes on Google docs! A and I are not concerned with weight loss, but we have been increasingly frustrated with what we learn about processed foods and how certain foods make us feel. 

We're excited to do Whole30 so we can wake up energized, sleep better and potentially target some food allergies or sensitivities. I am reading through "It Starts With Food" to sustain motivation and it is already blowing my mind. Overall, we want to improve our health and this seems like a great way to do it. I'm sure I will share some recipes on the blog. Are you doing Whole30 or do you participate in the "Paleo lifestyle?" If so, keep me in the loop and share some of your meals, won't you?

Oh, and while you're here, you might enjoy my 2011 New Year's resolution. It is still (very much so) my top resolution this year and a wonderful reminder to keep me in check.

In light of the stampede of trials and blessings, cheers! Happy New Year!

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"Pleasant words are [like] honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24