Friday, March 22, 2013

Writer Series Q&A: Well and Cheaply

Hello, hello again! Today, I am excited to share another Writer Series Q&A - this time with the lovely Sarah O'Holla. I've been a fan of Sarah's writing for over a year, and it quickly became clear that her blog Well and Cheaply had a loyal following because of her personable, conversational voice. Sarah is a librarian who is passionate about young adult literature, and she frequently shares her writing challenges and triumphs with her readers. 

Enjoy! Also, don't forget to check out last month's Q&A with Abby


1. How would you describe your writing and blogging voice/style?
I try and write the way I talk.  I want my blog to have a casual conversational feel when reading it and feel that this technique usually brings out my best voice.  I write like I’m talking to a close friend but also like I wouldn’t be too embarrassed if my mother in law or my uncle were reading my posts (which they are).

2. What do you most enjoy writing?

I think there can be a difference between what you enjoy writing and what ends up being the most satisfying. Sometimes I will have an idea of something to blog about that is a little on the heavier side, and it can take me days to actually sit down and get it out, because that process isn’t what I’d call enjoyable.  It’s often really draining.  But the end result usually leaves me feeling like I really thought out an issue and then if readers connect with it, it’s really satisfying, and I love that about blogging.  But I also really enjoy lighter posts that people connect to as well.  I’ve had a lot of fun with the series I’m doing right now on cleaning.  It’s a fun subject to talk about but stays very light.

3. Do you have a writing process or routine that you stick to?

No! I’m always trying to start routines in my life but I never stick to them.  Sometimes I will blog every day of the week, other times, I”ll only blog once or twice.  I think the closest thing that I have that is like a process is making sure I write ideas down as they come.  Usually I will eventually get around to writing the actual blog post.  These ideas are either written down on my phone note pad or at work on an actually note pad next to things that I have to do that are actually related.

4. What do you do when you have writer's block?

I try to let it be and know that it comes in cycles.  I’ll have writer’s block and then be full of ideas in a few weeks.  I think that’s how the creative process often works.  So I just try to trust myself that I’ll start writing again.  Sometimes I start to second guess what I should actually be blogging about and give myself this weird writers block where I have ideas, but then I don’t write about them. That’s annoying and has to do with confidence.  I actually had the idea to do a series recently because I thought having one subject to write about for a while would help a writer’s block that I had been feeling, and it actually worked.  By limiting myself to one topic, suddenly it was easier to think of lots of ideas again.

5. What do you find most rewarding and challenging about the blogging world?
The most rewarding thing is having an audience to read my work.  And the best thing about a blogging audience is that it’s so easy to interact with them and actually become friends with them.  That is the best.  I think the most challenging is in the same vein, I always want to be reaching more people, to be growing my audience even more.  Even though I know that the really big bloggers don’t have the same kind of close, personal relationship with their readers like I do, I still want their level of readership.  I guess I think it would validate my talent as a writer.  But maybe I should be careful what I wish for. :)


Want to read more about Sarah's thoughts on blogging? Check out her guest post at All the Live Long Day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for having me Mollie! And thanks so much for your kind words. xo


"Pleasant words are [like] honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24